Lowongan Kerja Sampoerna Academy Ibdp Mathematics Teacher Ay 25 26 Schools System Jakarta

Date : 22 Desember 2024
Company : Sampoerna Schools System
City : Jakarta

Penerimaan Pegawai Sampoerna Schools System Jakarta. Kalau teman sedang mencari lowongan kerja bulan Januari 2025, maka Anda beradi di portal yang benar. Ada banyak kategori lowongan yang bisa Anda daftar mulai dari lowongan kerja SMA SMK terbaru, hingga lowongan kerja S1. Kalian juga bisa mendaftar lowongan kerja online atau offline tergantung ketentuan yang ditetapkan pada info lowongan yang kami di mencarikerja.net. Informasi loker yang valid, bersumber dari website resmi atau media sosial perusahaan yang berkaitan, dan pastinya tidak ada pungutan biaya apa pun.

Lowongan Kerja Sampoerna Schools System Jakarta Januari 2025

Silakan teliti info selengkapnya berikut
Company Description


Our teaching philosophy encourages students to inquire, explore, innovate and communicate, providing vital skills required for leadership in Indonesia and abroad. Coupled with internationally-recognized academic credentials, we are equipping our students to compete and succeed at every stage of life. With the advent of the information age available at our finger-tips, our job as a school is to teach our students “to learn how to learn”.

Drawing from the world’s best curricula and American-based STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) methodologies, we are equipping our students with global exposure and an internationally-recognized academic qualification.

Our environment was created to encourage a culture of innovation and collaboration. Moreover, our integration of communication, multiple language proficiency, and collaboration in team projects set us apart from most other schools in ASEAN.


Sampoerna Academy graduates will assume leadership roles in a global society by being creative, passionate, life-long learners who are able to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world and who care deeply for their fellow men and the environment.


The mission of Sampoerna Academy is to provide a safe, caring, and collaborative learning environment that is of the highest quality and meets global expectations for student achievement and character development. Our educational foundation is student-centered with a strong emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) which enables students to become mature, confident global citizens with a strong sense of purpose. Our end goal is to prepare students for tertiary education and to make them work-ready and world-ready.

Core Beliefs

  • Academically, we prioritize the development of cognitive skills and communication skills over rote memorization because we believe that more than acquiring facts, students must be able to apply their knowledge in real situations.
  • We seek opportunities to engage all stakeholders to play a part in the success of our students.
  • We maintain a strong Asian cultural value system that celebrates social harmony, order, and respect.
  • STEAM competency will differentiate our students from those attending other schools.
  • Our learning spaces are a platform for hands-on activities, exploration, inquiry and the creation of knowledge and dialogue.

Job Description
  • Plan, set and deliver standards for learning.
  • Prepare and support critical thinking for student in classroom.
  • Establish classroom management utilizing positive coaching.
  • Observe and evaluate student's performance and development.
  • Understanding of academic, social and behavioral needs and characteristics of high level student.
  • Establish links with the parent community to ensure that parents are kept well informed about student progress.

  • Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in teaching Math for Upper Secondary level in private or international school
  • Experienced with International curriculum such as Cambridge and IB Diploma Program
  • Experienced in Project Based learning
  • Proven ability to develop successful academic programs

Additional Information

For placement in AY 25/26

Tata Cara Pendaftaran :

Apabila Anda berminat dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja ini, silahkan kirimkan lamaran dan CV terbaru Anda melalui laman di bawah ini :

Catatan :

  • Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil lebih lanjut.
  • Semua proses penerimaan tidak ditarik biaya apapun.

Jika lowongan diatas belum sesuai dengan keingingan dan kemampuan yang Anda miliki, sebaiknya Anda membaca lowongan yang berhubungan di bawah ini.

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