Lowongan Kerja Product Creation Marketplace Pt. Globaltix Teknologi Indonesia Batam
Job Title : | Product Creation Marketplace |
Date : | 15 Oktober 2024 |
Company : | PT. Globaltix Teknologi Indonesia |
City : | Batam |
Job Title : | Product Creation Marketplace |
Date : | 15 Oktober 2024 |
Company : | PT. Globaltix Teknologi Indonesia |
City : | Batam |
Rekrutmen PT. Globaltix Teknologi Indonesia Batam. Jika Anda sedang mencari lowongan kerja bulan Februari 2025, maka Anda beradi di portal yang tepat. Ada banyak kategori lowongan yang bisa Anda lamar mulai dari lowongan kerja SMA SMK terbaru, hingga lowongan kerja S1. Kamu juga bisa mendaftar lowongan kerja online atau offline tergantung kualifikasi yang diminta pada info lowongan yang kami infokan di mencarikerja.net. Informasi loker yang valid, bersumber dari web resmi atau media sosial perusahaan yang berkaitan, dan pastinya tidak ada pungutan biaya apa pun.
Define SOP requirements. Product creation in the system based on direction from internal team and external partners
Provide the latest information about the product to be uploaded
Collect feedback from product users and then improve the product based on user feedback
Understand the products that will be uploaded to the system
Make sure to check the updated prices according to the latest prices
Help Account Manager to prepare products with clear and understandable quality content
Can easily understand the product to be made
Completing tasks according to predetermined deadlines.
Job Type: Full-time
Tata Cara Pendaftaran :
Jika Anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja ini, segera kirimkan lamaran dan CV terbaru Anda melalui link berikut :Keterangan :
Jika lowongan tadi belum sesuai dengan bakat dan pendidikan yang Anda miliki, tidak ada salahnya Anda melihat lowongan yang berhubungan di bawah ini.
1.Perform GTAW -SMAW welding process to joint, fabricate and repair duplex or super duplex stainless-steel structures and components 2.Able to Read and interpret weld map
Job Description: - Follow up leads from database and set up a meeting - Advise and assist students in choosing the right overseas university -
This position is for PaxOcean Group a Shipyard Company based in Batam, a company under Kuok Group Singapore. Analyse the trends of key performance indicators
Key Tasks and Responsibilities: Provide timely and accurate advice and guidance on general HR enquiries related to policies and processes and other general HR matters
Kualifikasi : Pria/Wanita Jujur dan Teliti Pendidikan minimal SMK Bersedia lembur jika di perlukan Bisa bekerja sama dalam team Memiliki pengalaman sebagai operator Automation lebih